High Hopes

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

To get past procrastination, here's a list of my tried and tested hacks.

Ofcourse, I'm in a position to dispense advice now that I've started waking up at 14:45 daily and actually simplified my life (since yesterday):

1) To reduce your screentime, block friends on WhatsApp. 

2) To reduce your indulgence, follow pages that share content that you know little about. You'll find yourself wanting to throw your phone every ten minutes when you find yourself on Instagram again.

3) If you have a writing deadline, set shorter goals. For example, if you're writing a thesis and the end date is August, set 1000 words a day. It's easy enough, even if it means you're paraphrasing a theoretician or set even smaller goals (100 a day?) if you're a bum doing this for yourself. This advice has lasted me a lifetime of deadlines and more.  

4) To get over someone, follow what Wendy Cope suggests (an absolute favourite coping mechanism): 

Two Cures for Love
Wendy Cope

1. Don’t see him. Don’t phone or write a letter.
2. The easy way: get to know him better.

Incase you're looking for a birthday gift recommendation from me, the only poetry I'm willing to suggest is by Ms. Cope. 

5) Cry. Weep. Every time you feel like. Don't let anyone see you do that, ofcourse. 

6) Chop vegetables and wash the dishes. It's therapeutic, especially if you're mentally unstable over something/everything. 

7) Cat/Dog/Baby videos after crying to make you cry some more. Ideally between cooking dinner or post-dinner dessert time. 

8) Follow a new sport/attempt a new hobby. Whatever it is you don't know/don't understand feign interest and learn more about it. I've resisted sports all my life and somehow reading about F1 till 6 am is a cheap therapy here. 

9) Trust your intuition, especially if it's about people. If you think your time is over, move on. If you think you've more to give/take, stay. 

10) Drink water. It's the only advice that's lasted me all my life through school, college, and then now. 

(Title reference; track of the day)

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