Journal entry #6
Wednesday, April 27, 2022I started a new medicine to put me to sleep. However, a friend corrected it's not a sedative which is a plus, the minus of course is that it's done nothing to me except made me cranky.
I had been long thinking about why we initiate relationships with people? Is it the intimacy and companionship that leads or is the bodily urge to bond, suck face and reproduce the deciding factor? In some ways, forging a relationship with someone who's far away and not in arm's length at all times is a bit like writing a journal entry. What are you upto? I'm chilling with the pets and playing a game and yourself? I'm losing a round of game but I should be working. Tell me, how's this exchange any different than me reporting this for two persons in a hypothetical script? Sure, the other person has a mind of their own and that is attractive enough to keep you down bad for them but besides that? Is it just fog and noise in the brain for the need to hold on tight to someone or do they truly add anything to you?