Satuday x2

Sunday, April 12, 2015

There is a higher chance of you finding an auto-driver who initiates a discussion on Uber vs Ola's pricing mechanism with you than:

  • Your parents supporting Net Neutrality in India. ("It's good only, people will find something else to do other than social media surfing." "One day Gmail will charge you for having an email account and Google will start asking you for money, in exchange of your ridiculous searches. What will you do then?")
  • Multiple degree holder academics agreeing with you on just about anything because you're 'young' and 'tech savvy', hence they're 'glad' that you're not working with them.
  • Budding academics giving a fuck about their time (two slides for a presentation- out of which one is recycled from a previous presentation), common sense ("Do I need to support Net Neutrality if I use college LAN?"), awareness (how do you live in Delhi and not know this guy?)
  • Your colleague agreeing with you on your lunch choice ("Chola bhatura is fat and embarrassing. I want non-vegetarian only." *after lunch* "This is the first time I'm eating orange coloured seekh kebabs. Seekh kebabs are always white.") [Note to self- Where's my Cyanide pill when I feel suicidal?]
  • The restaurant delivering Diet Coke as opposed to Diet Pepsi (conveniently withholds the information).
  • Your sleazy pick up line reaching the wrong person (*no comments*).
  • Your research subjects replying to your text messages ("Hi, I know I am ignoring you but I've it in my mind to meet you, next week."- actual telephonic conversation with a subject)
  • Your friends forgiving you for skipping lunch ("You can leave your study related crap for one day."
  • Being socially pleasant while introducing your friend and colleagues ("This is "xxx" and she hates everyone").
  • Having a deadline and being inspired to make it.
Events on Saturday x2 maybe purely intentional, in terms of stating them blatantly and borne out of a frustrating week culminating into a harassing end with me having to convert all PDF submissions to "word document" because I'm tech-savvy and they're happy being the way they are.

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