This man is a genius

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Ladies and gentlemen, Prateek Kuhad (all this because, I binge watched SATC while I should have written that MPhil proposal and instead imagined my life being played out against his music). His music has the ability to get me past the most difficult time of the day. Which is work, boarding the metro, deboarding the metro, listening to people talk, transit time to and from work, and life. Also, Masters.

Prateek Kuhad is a singer songwriter based out of Jaipur who's dabbled in warming hearts, playing guitar (like men ought to, when they claim they play the guitar) and making mine and all my known acquaintances' knees go weak. He's a real catch and I'd like to ask him out for whiskey slash chai slash cake slash life if he ever comes my way. We need more of him in this world to get us all past the drudgery of never ending corporate job.

(Riding high on his music and low on life. Excuse)

Who needs acid when you can have love?

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