Gifts I'm Accepting This Christmas
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Un-used ISBN number.
Another ISBN number. I have a thesis lying somewhere that could do with some glamour.
BB-8 miniature.
Someone to manually frame all the art work I have lying with me.
Another one to bring a nail gun and fix them in my room. (Can a couple take this and the last one up?)
Fruity body shower gel. Something which has a gel like consistency and not liquidy droop in a bottle.
Bath and Body Works merchandise.
Bookmyshow voucher so I can buy myself film tickets whenever the fuck I want.
Cash, the hard kind.
Popcorn (that's the only kind of snack I can eat on 1200 calorie diet).
Ugly Christmas sweater.
Clothes that actually fit me and are my size. I don't know what's my size. Half my shit is baggy, the other half fits awful.
Milk chocolate brown matte lipstick. This one by Melt is incredible.
A good recipe for low calorie crispy, sautéed beans. Been a while, y'know.
A mix tape and a slice of carrot cake.
Trip for one at this fabulous location. I'll get my return tickets myself. Thank you very much.