Straight no chaser
Friday, August 07, 2015A whole bunch of people I've gotten to know over the last few years are leaving the country in the next week or so. In so far as we have come since graduation, people leaving should come as naturally as breathing. It's a very elementary fact, whatever comes in- goes out/goes around. Whatever, your pattern be, you will complete a round and move. Or several, and then proceed to move. However, with each year, the number of people willing to stay around is severely dwindling. It's almost as if, every single person I've known has made it as a promise to vacate this town and drop the bomb. I'm not denying it's easy on them but the fact of the matter is, they have a whole empty canvas of a life to fill in a new space. For those of us who remain right where they were, it's nothing more than holding on to old receipts, which may remind you of a good evening/afternoon you had with them. Maybe, several such with the number of receipts you've accumulated in your head. If you're a hoarder like me, nobody can save you from drowning in a downward spiral. I cannot possibly deal with this.