Come Back Swingin'

Friday, February 15, 2013

You know you'll do well in life when you come home from college and crash by 10 pm. I've had the most productive week of the year by far and if this is any indication, it's going to be an interesting journey, this one. For starters, I've landed myself with an internship for the summer (with travel allowance. Woot!), which only means I'll be cribbing and working my ass through the month and I half I am eagerly awaiting. Publishing means work, it also means real work for now. For a few months atleast. That will keep me busy and hopefully longing for something bigger in life.

A/V production is in full swing. In the past 1o days, I've been in the studio, on air for half an hour while giving cues to the RJs (CUT SHORT THE SCRIPT). Saying that it was interesting would be bringing the whole idea down but surely one of those experiences that I'd like to repeat. Positive or not, worth listening to or not or being graded well is secondary. Cheap thrills drive me to act the way I'm doing. If my music preference is any indication of my state of mind, then I'd like to know what exactly does Katy Perry symbolize. I have been listening to some of her stuff on loop for a little over two days. This is after I got hooked to E.T. The damn track has the whole EDM thing working and I can't stop tapping my foot to it.To be honest, Kanye West's rap bit doesn't bother me much. That's probably because I have been attending college and working a lot with the creatures from my class (and this is JUST the fucking beginning). This entire year is about group work and I'm not a big fan of the same. Atleast in a set up where I can't count on anyone as a 'pal' or a 'chum' or a 'homie' or a fucking 'friend' Everyone's up other person's ass, intruding space and violating much more than the permissible level.

So, in the past week, a lot of travelling around the city was done. Unwinding also fell in place. All inclusive of a night-out just when things got heavy, was perfect and I managed to click some gorgeous shots. DSLRs have made frames even more stunning than they already were. Also, my hatred for Blue Frog's gone down a level. The sound at the venue is the best I've heard at any Delhi gig venue. That, and the band (Half Step Down) was killing it the other night. Rock 'n Roll, the right amount and with the people who made it bearable (and a few others who weren't expected). Such evenings make up for me sitting in a corner and curiously admiring the subtle moves by the musicians (expectantly on blondes). This bloke kept trying his luck with a girl who was way too tall and too young for him. Pretty young things and the men who chase them, always makes for an interesting observation and a point to write about.

I sound more serious with my tone with each sentence and there's only one thing I can blame for that. I am going solo with my dissertation and the idea of coming up with something as intensive as carrying out a research is nothing short of my version of 'contributing to the world' and 'bringing a revolution'. Let's see how that pans out. For now, I've changed my topic twice and I have a feeling that this nonsense will be followed by several nervous breakdowns. Expecting the first when semester result comes out (if and only if I fail any exam). I just hope to get out of this institute Scott free.

My mother's friend's son (who she believes I will end up marrying) is visiting his girlfriend in London. She entered my room, announced this and in the next breath that she's ordered a bottle of body mist from VS for both of us. Right. I hope my mother's not missed the point that he's visiting his girlfriend, rest is all good.

In other news, I picked a tag off this page. This blog's an interesting read for anyone who falls under the lazy, single, asexual in life (read: me)

Strike out the things you’ve done.

Had Beer.
Had a cruiser.
Been completely drunk.
Done drugs.
Wrote on a bathroom wall.
Read a George Orwell book.
Had a physical fight.
Used Twitter.
Listened to Lady Gaga.
Been in a car accident.
Gotten suspended.
Gotten expelled.
Been allergic to something.
Got a computer virus.
Touched a real gun.
Had a dog
Had a cat.
Been pregnant.
Camped out.
Swam in the ocean.
Wore a bikini.
Attempted to shuffle.
Been sent to the principal. (Every. Monday. Morning. My partner in crime will laugh her butt off when she reads this)
Ever liked someone.
Failed a class.
Failed a test.
Went to summer school.
Been dux of the year.
Got A’s and B’s.
Read an entire book. (IS THAT EVEN A VALID QUESTION?)
Recorded my own music.
Had an xbox.
Worn heels more than 3 days in a row.
Wore fishnets.
Wore skinny jeans.
Been in love.
Hated someone.
Been cheated on.
Cheated on someone.
Did something sexual with someone of the same sex.
Practiced Christianity.
Worn makeup.
Lied to my parents about where I was going.
Had surgery.
Been to college.
Graduated high school.
Attempted suicide.
Worn colored contacts.
Painted my nails black.
Lost something very valuable.
Got separated from my parents as a kid.
Broken a bone.
Gotten stung by a bee
Eaten something bad/expired.
Threw up from being so drunk.
Saw someone throw up from being so drunk.
Owned an ipod.
Owned an iphone.
Fell for a best friend.
Stole a friend’s significant other. (been accused, yes)
Went far away from home for more than a week.
Moved out.
Ran away.
Had food poisoning.
Been fired.
Lied to a friend.
Lied to a family member.
Had a Facebook.
Posted a video on Youtube.
Started a rumour about someone.
Dropped out of school.
Deliberately failed a test.
Been skinny dipping.
Counted to a million. 
Counted to a thousand.
Ate rabbit meat.
Ate duck meat. 
Had fast food.
Been to Church.
Been to synagogue.
Been married.
Had a divorce.
Broke a glass.
Hugged someone today.
Texted someone today.
Received a phone call today.
Threw something out of the window.
Ignored a text from someone on purpose.
Had my feelings hurt by a friend and never told them.
Wish you were somebody else
Have been diagnosed medically with depression
Cut yourself on purpose.
Smoked an entire cigarette.
Had a near-death experience.

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